May, 15, 2018 - Atlantic White Shark Conservancy has deployed and maintains a network of passive radio receiver buoys on Cape Cod and within the waters of Massachusetts Bay. The MH1 Marblehead Buoy is part of this network.
AWSC offers a Tracking App called Sharktivity. Data is collected from many sources including their buoy array, spotter plane, and App user reporting of in person sightings of Great White Sharks in the area.
As of this morning the MH1 receiver is still on position. It was able to survive the historic storms of 2018. This is a testament to the excellent mooring system installed by our good friend at Northeast Mooring & Salvage! Thank you Damon! Looking forward to what the data will tell us.
Question of the day: What is your guess. Did a tagged White Shark ping in over the last 11 months?
MH1 Receiver buoy, off of Marblehead, MA.